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BEHEMOTH have set “Evangelion” as the title of their ninth hell breaking opus. A Greek word meaning “spreading the good news” or “spreading the words of God”, its use is often related to biblical stories of the salvation of mankind, the sacrificial death of Jesua and his later resurrection. BEHEMOTH choose to use the word in it’s purest, etymological context, without any Christian connotations - the time of spreading good news has come indeed. This is the Evangelion Of The New Eon. Representing a whole new spectrum of strength, creativity and determination, “Evangelion” is the album to undoubtedly lead this Polish mob to the peak of the extreme metal genre. Always a band for disrespecting the boundaries of self-limitation (indeed, evil has no boundaries), these metal luminaries have returned with fury and vengeance. Recorded in the band’s hometown Radio Gdansk studio with Wieslawscy Brothers and Daniel Bergstrand (drums) in the producers chair, and a stunning mix courtesy of the legendary Colin Richardson (Machine Head, Slipknot, Carcass), the final result is a beast of an album, and one that will tear any competition to shreds. Expectations are high for BEHEMOTH with what many are citing as their breakthrough album. Indeed, the band have already stolen a Golden God at this year’s Metal Hammer Awards for “Best Underground Band”, as well as securing first place in Terrorizer’s readers polls (“Best Live Band”, “Best Vocalist”, Best Drummer”). But this is not an overnight success story. BEHEMOTH have been together for close to 19 years now. Formed by a teenage Nergal in 1991, BEHEMOTH quickly made a name for themselves in black metal circuits with early cult releases “Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)”, “…And The Forests Dream Eternally” mini CD, and “Grom”. Third full length “Pandemonic Incantations” saw the addition of drum monster Inferno, at which point the band started to realise their full potential. Slowly evolving with increasingly impressive musicianship and songwriting, as well as ever-imporoving production values, the band amassed a solid and dedicated fanbase with such highly acclaimed albums as “The Apostasy” and “Demigod”, as well as some very high profile tours, including runs with acts such as Dimmu Borgir, Deicide, Amon Amarth, Opeth, In Flames, Trivium, Morbid Angel, Chimaira, and, most notably, 2007’s Ozzfest where the band’s unrelenting energy, savage brutality and uncompromising vision made them the breakthrough artist of the tour. In support of their 9th full-length, BEHEMOTH will be hitting the road with Slayer and Marilyn Manson as part of the Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival tour, the hottest US tour of the summer, and one that is bound to see them increase their dedicated fanbase even further. Out to consistently push the envelope and top previous efforts, BEHEMOTH have with “Evangelion” delivered an extreme metal masterpiece set to drop the jaws of all who hear it. Stay tuned and beware - Evangelion is here!